PEGASUS Networking Event Leiden



admedicum, in collaboration with WAPO, Lupin Pharmaceuticals and Santhera Pharmaceuticals


are pleased to announce a PEGASUS Networking Event on Tuesday 10 December in Leiden, Netherlands from 17:30 to 19:00 at WAAG Leiden. Come join where we have reserved a room for the event and would like to bring together all stakeholders interested in patient engagement for an evening of relaxed networking and inspiring talks from patient advocates. 


WAAG Leiden interior



Date and location

WAAG Leiden

10 December 2019 from 17.30-19.00

Aalmarkt 21, 2311 EC Leiden, Netherlands

View on Google Maps



Shelia Khawaja, WAPO

Building a global alliance for rare diseases and the difference it makes for patients and industry


Dagmar Mekking, Care4BrittleBones CEO

Developing cross-border and sector partnerships for improving the lives of people living with rare bone diseases like OI



Registration is free. Thanks to our sponsors Santhera Pharmaceuticals and Lupin Pharmaceuticals drinks and light snacks will be provided. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about the initiative. Looking forward to seeing you in Leiden.


Why attend?

To gain inspiration on patient engagement and how you can enact it in the real world from the speakers while gaining a networking opportunity amongst like-minded people interested in patient engagement.



About PEGASUS Networking Events
Patient Engagement in Global Alliance (PEGASUS) networking events gather interested patients and patient organizations and industry (pharma, biotech, medtech) and any other potentially interested stakeholders within healthcare around the subject of patient engagement in an informal way.


The goal of these events is to increase the direct interaction and exchange between those who live with a disease and those who work on pharmaceutical or other treatment or care solutions. The PEGASUS Patient Engagement in Global Alliance is not a profit-oriented initiative.


admedicum Business for Patients is the initiator and administering entity and joins with other interested patient organizations and companies to create the events. PEGASUS events are not for marketing or commercial purposes. Events are a platform for networking between industry and patients and knowledge exchange.

Register below. After you fill out the Form, we will email you a confirmation (check your Spam folder in case you don't receive it).


Get ready to network and learn more about what others passionate about patient engagement are doing.

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I agree with the privacy policy.*
I agree to be contacted for future events and news of PEGAsus® Patient Engagement in Global Alliance


When you sign up, your name, title, and organization will be visible to all other participants.


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