PEGASUS Networking Event Berlin 2020

Patient Engagement in Global Alliance



PEGASUS Berlin Networking Event 2020

admedicum, together with LS Academy, BioNTech, and Janssen Germany, is pleased to invite you to the Pegasus Networking Reception on Monday 2 March from 18.00-20.00 at Courtyard Berlin City Center.


Please register now via the form below. We will have a name tag ready for you and share the list of participants one week before.

The 2020 Berlin Pegasus event will feature an exciting interactive parliamentary-style debate moderated by Paola Kruger, EUPATI Italy, and Roger Legtenberg, CEO of Upstrong. Participants will be guided through a lively debate on current issues in patient engagement in research and development and be able to share their views on the future of the area. Expect an inspiring evening!

This is the first Pegasus event of 2020 and is taking place alongside the larger Patient Partnering in Clinical Development conference. Both attendees of that conference and local stakeholders interested in patient engagement will join us for the evening. Participation in the Pegasus event is free, and food and drinks will be provided.


Pegasus Patient Engagement networking events gather interested patients and patient organizations with industry (pharma, biotech, medtech) and any other potentially interested stakeholders within healthcare around the subject of patient engagement in an informal way. In 2019, Pegasus events happened in Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands and found very positive feedback, in particular from patient-participants.

Pegasus events are not for marketing or commercial purposes. Events are a platform for networking between industry and patients and knowledge exchange. admedicum is the initiator and administering entity and joins with other interested patient organizations and companies to create the events.


Why attend?

To gain inspiration on patient engagement and how you can enact it in the real world from other participants while gaining a networking opportunity amongst like-minded people interested in patient engagement.

Register below. After you fill out the form, we will email you a confirmation (check your spam folder in case you don't receive it). You will also receive a link to the most recent registrants' list, which you will have access to any time going forward until the event.


Get ready to network, debate, and learn alongside others passionate in patient engagement! 



admedicum logo


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I agree with the privacy policy.*
I agree to be contacted for future events and news of PEGAsus® Patient Engagement in Global Alliance


When you sign up, your name, title, and organization will be visible to all other participants.


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